Tell Superintendent Hofmeister and the State Board of Education to respect Oklahoma women!

Sign the petition to tell state education officials to respect Oklahoma women.

Copyright © 2022
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Petition to Superintendent Joy Hofmeister and the State Board of Education:

Whereas there are basic biological differences between boys and girls; and

Whereas girls have a right to privacy in school locker rooms and bathrooms; and

Whereas girls have a right to participate in their own athletic activities and events; and

Whereas biological males have no right to access girls’ locker rooms or bathrooms or to participate in girls’ sports; and

Whereas unnecessary risks are created when schools allow biological males to compete in girls’ sports or to access girls’ locker rooms and restrooms; and 

Whereas schools can care for and respect students without giving in to every student’s demands; therefore

We the students, parents, and taxpayers of Oklahoma call on State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister and the Oklahoma State Board of Education to (1) direct all public schools in our state not to allow biological males to compete in girls’ sports or to access girls’ locker rooms and restrooms; (2) to resist any federal overreach to the contrary; and (3) to protect the privacy and safety of Oklahoma’s female students.